High Performance


TI & Digital Health

The Innovation Technology focused on the Health Market is already a reality experienced by companies worldwide. For this reason, in order to anticipate gaps that may delay or hinder the success of projects dedicated to technological solutions for the healthcare market, we have segmented relevant areas in our portfolio in order to provide legal certainty on acts of structuring and regulation. In this line, we serve small, medium and large national and foreign companies providing preventive legal assistance to companies that are or intend to process in the digital health segment.

Count on us to:

Corporate structuring;

Trademark registration;

Tax planning;

Software Registration;

Supply contracts;

Technology Transfer (Know How);

Data Protection (LGPD);

Terms of use;

Privacy Policies;

Work relationships;

Digital Crimes.

São Paulo

Avenida Dr. Chucri Zaidan . 296

23º andar - Cjto. 231 . Torre Z

Vila Cordeiro - CEP 04583-110

T/Phone + 55 (11) 3376-6343