High Performance


As an important branch of economic law linked to a day to day business, Competition Law seeks, among other issues, to identify anti-competitive market conduct in order to remove and punish them. Thus, it proposes administrative, economic, civil and criminal sanctions, which, if identified, can generate serious social, economic, financial and image damages. Therefore, working to prevent these actions on a daily basis is the most appropriate way to isolate eventual conduct to ward off harm. In order to prevent problems of this nature, we act in the analysis and monitoring of business operations for the purpose of prevention and defense of competition. And still:

Examination of contracts, operations and anti-trust practices;

Consultancy for preparation of studies and investigations of Acts of Concentration, Anti-competitive Conduct and Dumping;

Prevention of infractions and crimes against the economic order;

Representations to competition authorities in cases where customers are adversely affected by anti-competitive practices;

Representation in defense of competition in acquisition, merger, commercial or corporate agreements and grouping;

Defense for indemnification actions and public civil actions of a competitive nature.

São Paulo

Avenida Dr. Chucri Zaidan . 296

23º andar - Cjto. 231 . Torre Z

Vila Cordeiro - CEP 04583-110

T/Phone + 55 (11) 3376-6343