High Performance


Meet our Partners
Professional Recognition
Pedro Cassab
Pedro Cassab founding partner of Cassab Law – Advogados with over 15 year of experience in Regulatory Law. Member of the Public Policy and Sanitary Regulation Committee of the Brazilian Association of Institutional and Governmental Relations – ABRIG.
Amanda Cassab
Lawyer and consultant in the development of projects involving new health technologies with strong experience in Regulatory Law. Post-graduate degree in Intellectual Property with direct experience in the areas of Public Law, Regulatory & Sanitary, Public Bids, Intellectual Property and Contracts.

São Paulo

Avenida Dr. Chucri Zaidan . 296

23º andar - Cjto. 231 . Torre Z

Vila Cordeiro - CEP 04583-110

T/Phone + 55 (11) 3376-6343