High Performance


Customs Duty

The Customs Duty advisory of Cassab Law firm favors technical support for Regulatory and Tax Actions, mitigating risks as the main impact factor in these actions. Considering this, the firm proposed direct assistance service favoring our clients for:

Obtaining Licenses and Authorizations;

Regularization and Document Management;

Advisory for elaboration and understanding of technical texts;

Administrative Litigation for Tax and Surveillance Offenses;

Judicial litigation for day-to-day acts;

Consultative / Elaboration of Technical Opinions;

Assistance for Bids;

Technical and legal support for Customs Regulatory Actions.

São Paulo

Avenida Dr. Chucri Zaidan . 296

23º andar - Cjto. 231 . Torre Z

Vila Cordeiro - CEP 04583-110

T/Phone + 55 (11) 3376-6343