High Performance


As a factor of great impact in the national market, the monitoring of the constant evolutions of the labor relations has the focus to establish strategies and to prevent eventual negative reflexes in the day to day business. For this reason, Cassab Law firm professionals are able to:

Preventive legal advice to human resources departments, especially covering the preparation and analysis of employment contracts (including for the hiring of foreigners);

Advisory in the elaboration of benefit plans, including profit sharing plans, stock option plans, voluntary dismissal plans and variable compensation in general, as well as advisory services related to dismissal processes;

Audit of projects to purchase companies, mergers and acquisitions;

Evaluation of labor liabilities;

Representation of individuals and legal entities in contentious and administrative proceedings related to the application of labor laws.

São Paulo

Avenida Dr. Chucri Zaidan . 296

23º andar - Cjto. 231 . Torre Z

Vila Cordeiro - CEP 04583-110

T/Phone + 55 (11) 3376-6343